Mobile Home: Motive presents a guide to in-car living

Mobile Home: Motive presents a guide to in-car living
Motive has the skinny on what you should know if you need to crash -- for a few weeks, that is -- in your car. Of course, the first advice is to get a minivan or SUV with tinted windows. However, if things have come to the point where reclining seats are your bed, you probably aren't in a position to double-down on a Vanagon. Some of the tips you might have guessed: get earplugs, don't subsist on the McDonald's dollar menu, and don't bathe in fountains. Others you might not have expected: put fabric softener sheets under the seats, park in Wal-Mart lots overnight if you need, and Panera Bread and Dunkin' Donuts have free wi-fi. And no matter what, don't try to hide your keys somewhere on the car and then think you can get blasted on two-buck-chuck inside the car. That's called Operating Under the Influence. Click the link for the other tips in a thoroughly entertaining read that you will hopefully never need to take advantage of.